Sampling large data sets (Part 2)

6 minute read

Sensors and samples
Recall that we had found a set of points that samples a cylindrical domain uniformly.
However, these points do not match the locations of our sensors and we will have to find the nearest sensor to each sample point.

This problem is a version of the Assignment Problem and an elegant way of proceeding is to use the Hungarian Algorithm. A clear description of the problem and the algorithm that is used to solve it can be found at

We have 50,000 sensors and 100 sample points. If we want to solve the assignment problem directly on our desktop, the memory requirement for the complete problem is around 23 Gb

  • more than the free memory available in most desktops. So we have to simplify the problem to suit the resources that we have available.

The R package fields has a method rdist for computing the Euclidean distance matrix. We first find the pairwise distances between the sensors and the samples

  # Install and load the fields library

  # Get the Euclidean distance matrix 
  # between the sensors and the samples
  # 50,000 sensors and 100 samples
  distances <- rdist(inputData, sampleData)

Sensors and samples
Next we define a radius of support around each sample location and find the sensors in that region.

  # Find a sparser matrix based on a radius of support
  supportRadius <- max(rdist(inputData[1:1],inputData[4:4]))
  distanceFlags <- ifelse(distances < supportRadius, 0, 1)
  sparseIndices <- which(distanceFlags == 0, arr.ind=T)
  sparseInputData <- inputData[sparseIndices[,1]]

This procedure gives us the sensor locations (in red) that we care about. Now we can recompute a much smaller distance matrix and apply the Hungarian algorithm to find which sensors are closest to our sample points.

Sensors and samples
The clue package in R provides us with the required tools to solve the Linear Sum Assignment Problem and the computation is direct:

# Find the distances between the input data and the sample data
distancesSparse <- rdist(sparseInputData, sampleData)

# Use Hungarian algorithm to minimize pairwise Euclidean norm
sol <- solve_LSAP(t(distancesSparse))

The sample sensors can now be identified from the output of the assignment algorithm and use in our training exercise.

If the training set is a large fraction of the total number of sensors (typically 80%-90%), the approach that we have used becomes inefficient and other sampling techniques may be preferred. We will talk about some of of these in the next part of this series.

