Compiling and running the MPM code Vaango on a Cray
One of the reasons I switched to cmake
for my builds was the need to compile my
code on a BlueGene/Q system. The code was previously configured using autoconf
, and because I hadn’t done that implementation myself it was nightmare to change things
when I wanted to add some new feature or library. After moving to cmake
things have
become decidedly easier. In this article I will discuss how I ported my code to a couple of
Cray XE6m machines and how I run the code on that machine. You can download the latest version of the code
from GitHub.
The authentication system for the Cray machine uses Kerberos and requires a Yubikey. The typical process for authentication is as follows:
1) kshell
2) kinit <username>@<>
2a) <password>
2b) authenticate with Yubikey
3) klist
4) kssh <username>@<machine-name>.<domain-name>
Here kssh
is a Kerberized version of ssh
Building the Vaango
code on Copper
(Cray XE6m)
The Vaango
code is written in C++ and has over the past two years slowly added
several C++11 and more recently C++14 features. I first had to make sure that
and git
were available on the Cray machines.
Downloading the code
To download the code I used the standard procedure
git clone --recursive
I then made sure that my googletest
and json
submodules had been downloaded
To start the process is usually look at my CMakeLists.txt
file to figure out what I need.
In this case:
cd ParSim/Vaango/src/submodules
ls goolestest
ls json
The json
submodule downloads a lot of unnecessary data and will be removed at a future date.
Checking needed third party packages
Looking at the root-level CMakeLists.txt
file tells us that the following external packages are
needed to build Vaango
: for some MPI and serialization codecmake
: to build the makefileseigen3
: for some matrix operationsgcc
: to build the C++ codegfortran
: to build the Fortran codelibxml2
: for XML input/output ofVaango
format dataopenmpi
: for MPI codeperl
: for Perl scriptszlib
: for compression code
We avoid continuous integration and testing in the build; so googletests
is not
used even though it is downloaded.
Loading modules
A module avail
command typically lists a large number of potential packages that can
be used. In our case, we loaded the following modules and environments:
module load cmake/
module load gcc/4.9.2
module swap PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-gnu
Installing Boost and Eigen3
I couldn’t locate boost
or eigen3
on the machine and decided to download and build them:
To build boost
I did the following:
tar xvfj boost_1_58_0.tar.bz2
cd boost_1_58_0/
./ --with-libraries=regex --prefix=<home_directory>/boost-gcc
./b2 install
cd ..
For eigen3
, the process was
tar xvfj 3.3.4.tar.bz2
mkdir eigen3-build
cd eigen3-build
cmake ../eigen-eigen-5a0156e40feb/ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<home_directory>
Compiling Vaango
I had to modify CMakeLists.txt
to automatically detect the MPI compilers and settings.
After that, to compile the Vaango
code, all I needed was
export CRAYPE_LINK_TYPE=dynamic
mkdir ParSim/Vaango/dbg-gcc
cd ParSim/Vaango/dbg-gcc
cmake ../src -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Debug \
-DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=<home_directory>/include/eigen3 \
make -j4
cd ..
mkdir opt-gcc
cmake ../src -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
-DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=<home_directory>/include/eigen3 \
make -j4
Running the Vaango
code on Copper
To check whether the build produced a working executable, I had to start an interactive session with
qsub -l select=1:ncpus=32:mpiprocs=32 -A <PROJECT_ID> -l walltime=00:30:00 -q debug -X -I
and then
module switch PrgEnv-pgi PrgEnv-gnu
cd ParSim/Vaango
mkdir tests
cd tests
ln -s ../dbg-gcc/StandAlone/vaango vaango_dbg
ln -s ../opt-gcc/StandAlone/vaango vaango_opt
ln -s ../src/StandAlone/inputs/MPM/ .
aprun -n 1 vaango_dbg -mpi ./
Larger jobs require the qsub
queue system and PBS
Building the Vaango
code on Excalibur
(Cray XC40)
Another Cray system called Excalibur
is also used to run Vaango
once in a while. The
pre-installed packages on this machine vary with time and the following is what had
to be done to get Vaango
to run on that machine around a year ago.
Downloading the code
module load module-git
git clone --recursive
Installing cmake
We should use at least version 3.2.2 but earlier versions may may with the latest
code. If the build fails, one may need to load some missing modules.
mkdir localpackages
tar -xvfz cmake-3.2.2.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.2.2
./boostrap --prefix=<home_directory>/localpackages/cmake && make && make install
Installing boost and eigen3
These can be installed in a manner similar to that for Copper. The
installation directory was chosen to be localpackages
Compiling Vaango
The cmake script may need the full set of options but typically works with just the locations of boost and eigen3 provided in the command line, if the correct environment is chosen (in our case, gnu). The process should be identical to that used in Copper.
The full set of path and library options to cmake when using a local mpich
installation is given below.
mkdir opt
cd opt
cmake ../src \
-DMPI_DIR=/home/banerjee/localpackages/mpich-install \
-DMPI_C_NO_INTERROGATE:STRING="/home/banerjee/localpackages/mpich-install/bin/mpicc" \
-DMPI_CXX_NO_INTERROGATE:STRING="/home/banerjee/localpackages/mpich-install/bin/mpicxx" \
-DMPI_Fortran_NO_INTERROGATE:STRING="/home/banerjee/localpackages/mpich-install/bin/mpifort" \
-DMPI_C_COMPILER=/home/banerjee/localpackages/mpich-install/bin/mpicc \
-DMPI_CXX_COMPILER=/home/banerjee/localpackages/mpich-install/bin/mpicxx \
-DMPI_Fortran_COMPILER=/home/banerjee/localpackages/mpich-install/bin/mpifort \
-DMPI_C_LIBRARIES:STRING="-lmpi -lmpicxx -L/home/banerjee/localpackages/mpich-install/lib" \
-DMPI_CXX_LIBRARIES:STRING="-lmpi -lmpicxx -L/home/banerjee/localpackages/mpich-install/lib" \
-DMPI_Fortran_LIBRARIES:STRING="/home/banerjee/localpackages/mpich-install/lib/" \
-DMPI_CXX_INCLUDE_PATH:STRING="/home/banerjee/localpackages/mpich-install/include" \
-DMPI_Fortran_INCLUDE_PATH:STRING="/home/banerjee/localpackages/mpich-install/include" \
-DMPI_C_LINK_FLAGS:STRING="-L/home/banerjee/localpackages/mpich-install/lib" \
-DMPI_CXX_LINK_FLAGS:STRING="-L/home/banerjee/localpackages/mpich-install/lib" \
-DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/banerjee/localpackages/eigen3-install/include \
The process of building Vaango on Cray machines has become considerably simpler over time if implicit codes are not needed. That is still not true for IBM machines such as BlueGene/Q.