Parallel domain decomposition for particle methods: Part 2
14 minute read
The previous article in this series
discussed the scatter operation for moving particles to various processes. In this second part
of the series we will discuss a commonly used method of communicating information between
processes. Each process is logically mapped to a “patch”.
In the animation below, particles are generated in the red patch “P0” and then scattered
to the other eight patches. During a particle-based simulation, some information has to
be transferred between adjacent processes. The amount of information that has to be
communicated depends on a characteristic length scale that is determined by the particle
algorithm. In the animation, this length is shown by the “ghost” regions outlined in
a darker shade with dashed borders.
Exchanging particles between processes
After the particles have been scattered and ghost regions identified, the particles in
the ghost regions are exchanged as depicted in the animation below. Notice that, in
addition to the exchange between the left-right and top-bottom patches, the information
at corners of patches also have to communicated to the three adjacent patches for a total
of 8 communication steps. For three-dimensional simulations, 26 such communication steps
are needed for each patch. Also notice that all we are doing is increasing the size of
each patch and including regions of overlap between patches.
MPI implementation
To keep things manageable, we create a PatchNeighborComm struct for communications
between neighbor patches. We also define a Patch struct that takes care of the details for each patch.
PatchNeighborComm struct
The neighbor communication methods are defined as:
An implementation of the functions in this struct is shown below:
Patch struct
The Patch struct takes care of all the communication needs of each patch. The
definition I cobbled together is listed below.
The implementation of the Patch struct that I came up with is summarized below.
The design can definitely be improved; but recall that our goal is to do a quick
parallelization of an existing serial code.
The particle exchange function
The particle exchange function the main simulation code can then be written as follows.
Note that this design follows the approach taken by Dr. B. Yan for his parallel DEM code
developed a UC Boulder.
Clearly, a lot of communication and book-keeping is needed if we follow this approach. An
alternative approach that uses fewer communication steps is the procedure developed by
Steve Plimpton (“Fast parallel algorithms for short-range molecular dynamics”, Sandia Report
SAND91-1144.UC-405, 1993).
In the next part of this series, we will discuss Plimpton’s approach for domain decomposition.
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