Reading VTK particles in Javascript
In our previous article we discussed the process of calling XML functions in C++ to write data produced by particle simulations in XML format files. These output files can then be viewed in powerful tools such as VisIt or Paraview.
Modern browsers have become powerful in recent years and can now render 3D graphics quite efficiently. The next few blog posts will discuss our experience in developing a basic user interface with standard web tools to visualize simulation output data. In this article, I will explain how the input process would work in such a tool.
The VTK XML particle data format
Output data from our simulations are written to disk every few timesteps. At each timestep, we get a data file like the one listed below.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<VTKFile type="UnstructuredGrid" version="0.1" byte_order="LittleEndian" compressor="vtkZLibDataCompressor">
<DataArray type="Float64" Name="TIME" NumberOfTuples="1" format="ascii" RangeMin="0" RangeMax="0">
<Piece NumberOfPoints="412" NumberOfCells="0">
<DataArray type="Float64" Name="Radius" NumberOfComponents="3" format="ascii" RangeMin="0.83645083538" RangeMax="1.7075128111">
1.15 0.5 0.69 1.15 0.5 0.69
1.15 0.5 0.69 0.575 0.5 0.345
1.15 0.5 0.69 0.575 0.5 0.345
0.575 0.5 0.345 1.15 0.5 0.69
<DataArray type="Float64" Name="Axis a" NumberOfComponents="3" format="ascii" RangeMin="1.923869419" RangeMax="3.8462926819">
2.250054 1.570796 0.6792575 2.536687 1.570796 0.9658907
0.8923825 1.570796 0.6784139 1.576513 1.570796 0.005716666
1.523425 1.570796 0.0473713 2.090659 1.570796 2.62173
2.128077 1.570796 0.5572808 0.0678937 1.570796 1.502903
<DataArray type="Float32" Name="Points" NumberOfComponents="3" format="ascii" RangeMin="29.109286806" RangeMax="99.675090711">
49.731739044 0 0.99367249012 50.900959015 0 5.3205289841
30.811420441 0 3.8980329037 54.012958527 0 5.2524261475
71.06136322 0 7.7233600616 65.397392273 0 6.3970627785
42.516990662 0 11.963620186 48.560340881 0 2.5312030315
<DataArray type="Int64" Name="connectivity" format="ascii" RangeMin="1e+299" RangeMax="-1e+299">
<DataArray type="Int64" Name="offsets" format="ascii" RangeMin="1e+299" RangeMax="-1e+299">
<DataArray type="UInt8" Name="types" format="ascii" RangeMin="1e+299" RangeMax="-1e+299">
For now, let us consider only data that have been written in ASCII format.
Reading the particle XML data
We will read in this data into a code that provides a user interface to visualize the particle data.
For now, the details of the user interface are not important,
but it is worth noting the following :
- it is written in Typescript
- it uses the Vue framework for user interactions and Vuex for data management
- Typescript type definitions are from npm and av-ts
- the code is transpiled to ES6
and babel, and - packaged using webpack before it is run on a browser
First let us examine the actual reader code:
// Function: parseAndSaveVTKXML
// Input: xmlDoc : XMLDocument (The current version of jquery.d.ts declares the return type of parseXML as "any")
// Store: pointData : any {} (A key-value object containing arrays of particle data)
public parseAndSaveVTKXML(xmlDoc : any) {
// Use jquery to read the xmlDoc
let $xml = $(xmlDoc);
// Check that the file is actual a VTK XML file
let fileType = $xml.find("VTKFile").attr('type');
if (fileType != "UnstructuredGrid") {
console.log("Invalid file type" + fileType);
// Read time stamp after trimming the string
let timeStr = $xml.find("FieldData").find("DataArray").text().trim();
let time = parseFloat(time);
// Read the number of points in the data set
let numPtsStr = $xml.find("Piece").attr('NumberOfPoints').trim();
let numPts = parseFloat(numPtsStr);
// Read the state data one by one
var pointData:any = {};
function () {
let data = $(this); // "this" is now pointing to the data XMLDocument
let key = data.attr("Name"); // Use the name of the variable as the key
let type = data.attr("type");
let numComponents = data.attr("NumberOfComponents");
if (numComponents) { // More than one component
let numComp = parseFloat(numComponents);
let dataArray = convertTo1DArray(data);
let arrayOfVec : any = [];
while (dataArray.length) {
arrayOfVec.push(dataArray.splice(0,numComp)); // Convert into 2D array
pointData[key] = arrayOfVec; // Save the data
} else { // Only one component
pointData[key] = convertTo1DArray(data);
// Read the position data
let points = $xml.find("Points").find("DataArray");
let numComponents = points.attr("NumberOfComponents");
let dataArray = convertTo1DArray(points);
let numComp = parseFloat(numComponents);
let arrayOfVec : any = [];
while (dataArray.length) {
pointData["Position"] = arrayOfVec;
// Save the data
Store.commit('SET_VTK_PARTICLE_DATA', pointData); // Save to a Vuex store
The convertTo1DArray
method has the form
private convertTo1DArray(data : string) : number[] {
let dataArray =
data.text().trim() // Remove leading/trailing white spaces
.replace( /\s\s+/g, ' ' ) // Replace multiple spaces with one space
.replace(/(\r\n|\n|\r)/gm," ") // Replace newline characters with space
.split(" ") // Convert into 1D array
.map(parseFloat); // Convert into floats
return dataArray;
Note that we have not saved the time in this simplified version. The JSON representation of the saved data is of the form
"Position": [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],....],
"Radius": [[0.1,0.2,0.3],[0.4,0.5,0.6],....],
Asynchronous IO and reading the file
The previous section assumes that a file has been read in and parsed using parseXML
Let us now see how the file is actually read from disk. We will assume that a
File object is available and
has been obtained using the <input>
tag in the HTML docsument. The FileReader
of HTML5 makes it possible to read files easily from disk without using the fs
library from
The HTML input tag inside the appropriate Vue
template has the form
<input type="file" v-on:change="readVTKXMLParticleFile">
The readVTKXMLParticleFile
function is called after a file has been selected from the
list of files.
public readVTKXMLParticleFile(event: any) {
// Choose first file in selected list
let file =[0];
// Read the file as text and store data
this.readXMLFile(file, "vtk-xml");
The actual asynchronous read is defined in readXMLFile
import $ = require("jquery"); // Use jQuery for the parsing
public readXMLFile(file: any, type: string) {
if (file) {
let reader = new FileReader();
// Use a closure to pass on the actual parser function
reader.onload = (
function(parserFunction: any) {
return function(event: any) {
let xmlData = reader.result; // The text that has been read in
let xmlDoc = $.parseXML(xmlData); // Use jQuery to do the parsing
)(this.parseAndSaveVTKXML); // This is where the actual parsing is done
} else {
console.log("Unable to load file ",;
Once the data have been stored, we can start the process of visualization. Future articles will discuss our experience with vtk.js and three.js. We will also discuss the potential and pitfalls of Typescript and Vue.