Reading XML files containing gzipped data in C++
We saw how to create an XML file containing compressed particle data in the article “XML format for particle input files”. Let us now explore how to read in that data in our C++ particle simulation code.
Recall that the compressed base64 XML file contains data of the form shown below. We would like to convert these data back into numerical values that can be used by the simulation.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Particles number="3" type="ellipsoid" compression="gzip" encoding="base64">
<id unit="none" numComponents="1">eJwzVDC0MFcwNjcGAAg2Aa8=</id>
<radii unit="m" numComponents="3">eJwz1DM0VTDQA2EzSwVD3DwAm34HcA==</radii>
<axle_a unit="rad" numComponents="3">eJxVy8ENwEAIA8FWqABx5oxx/40lz+S30miRYBVvnKRKnqgcGRQDyZ5Zfc3DdemtNXrB/7j3tB+22RBv</axle_a>
<axle_b unit="rad" numComponents="3">eJxNyckNACAIAMFWaEACIldB9t+Cmojxt5llVCdPg4HGKTYbOXDhjSNBoiJ7P42KhI5hmhT/1gVJPxJZ</axle_b>
<axle_c unit="rad" numComponents="3">eJxNyckNADAIxMBWUgGCheXov7HwS34jGxIJdx4TltbkgYCqjIXVtvgXPbO5iHSreUulB97oC4BQD7g=</axle_c>
<position unit="m" numComponents="3">eJwNyMERAEAEA8BWVGBCONJ/Y+e3syUfxpTB4BLfZFsfAb3LdiY6ZYRvROUdfbUgP13AC20=</position>
<velocity unit="m/s" numComponents="3">eJwlitsNACAIxFZhAUmRh7j/YpKY3M+1RdnQuAmCkjnzloU6Fl05fI5NcT+38Xef30cFduoB3dgNXA==</velocity>
<omega unit="rad/s" numComponents="3">eJwzUDDQMzAytzC0NDRXMABCXSDf3MDMzNDSAsY3sjA1szQ2VDAAAL6CCE8=</omega>
<force unit="N" numComponents="3">eJwdycERACAIA7BVWACuYK2w/2J6fhPnpJoG8yzNanMyVxzUNzR2sK1qpNjPpNcgL0K4Cu8=</force>
<moment unit="Nm" numComponents="3">eJwdy8kNwDAMA8FW1IAE0rr7byyxf4MFFsaayS1RcppHFObYsxOXZEeNi3q1u+XciOzY9JKfwQBWNOGwqDeBi674ADeiEak=</moment>
<Sieves number="5" compression="none" encoding="ascii">
<percent_passing>1 0.8 0.6 0.3 0.1</percent_passing>
<size unit="mm">1.4 1.3 1.2 1.15 1</size>
The header file
We use a ParticleFileReader
object to read the file. The declaration of the object is
listed below. Particle data are stored in an array of pointers to Particle
objects, called ParticlePArray
#include <zenxml/xml.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class ParticleFileReader
void read(const std::string& fileName,
ParticlePArray& particles) const;
template<typename T>
bool readParticleValues(zen::XmlIn& ps,
const std::string& name,
const std::string& particleType,
std::vector<T>& output) const;
template<typename T>
bool decodeAndUncompress(const std::string &inputStr,
const int& numComponents,
std::vector<T>& output) const;
template<typename T>
T convert(const std::string& str) const;
The main workhorse methods in this class are the templated functions
, decodeAndUncompress
, and convert
. Templates
are used because similar logic is used for different variable types.
The implementation
Let us now look at the implementations of these functions. We will ignore any checks that are necessary to make sure that the XML file is readable and contains the right data.
The read
The point of entry is the read
ParticleFileReader::read(const std::string &inputFileName,
ParticlePArray &particles) const
// Read the input file
zen::XmlDoc docs = zen::load(inputFileName);
// Load the docsument into input proxy for easier element access
zen::XmlIn ps(docs);
// Loop through the particle types in the input file
for (auto particle_ps = ps["Particles"]; particle_ps; {
// Get the attributes of the particles
std::size_t numParticles = 0;
std::string particleType = "sphere", compression = "none", encoding = "none";
particle_ps.attribute("number", numParticles);
particle_ps.attribute("type", particleType);
particle_ps.attribute("compression", compression);
particle_ps.attribute("encoding", encoding);
// Assume that the input file is encoded and compressed
if (encoding == "base64" && compression == "gzip") {
// Get the particle ids
std::vector<size_t> particleIDs;
bool success = readParticleValues<size_t>(particle_ps,
"id", particleType,
// Get the particle radii
std::vector<Vec> particleRadii;
success = readParticleValues<Vec>(particle_ps,
"radii", particleType,
// Create the Particle array
for (std::size_t ii = 0; ii < numParticles; ++ii) {
ParticleP pt = std::make_shared<Particle>(
particleIDs[ii], particleType, particleRadii[ii], ....);
} // end if (encoding == "base64" && compression == "gzip")
} // end for
The particle data associated with each tag is an array containing either 1 or 3
components. We use the explicitly instantiated
templated function
to read in the data into arrays.
The readParticleValues
templated function
Let us now look at the readParticleValues
function that does the extraction
and conversion of the compressed and encoded data.
template <typename T>
ParticleFileReader::readParticleValues(zen::XmlIn &ps,
const std::string &name,
const std::string &particleType,
std::vector<T> &output) const
// Get the particle values
int numComp = 1;
std::string particleDataStr;
auto prop_ps = ps[name];
prop_ps.attribute("numComponents", numComp);
// Do the decoding and inflation of the compressed data
bool success = decodeAndUncompress<T>(particleDataStr, numComp, output);
return success;
The function just extracts the encoded data from the XML file and the number of components in the data (1 or 3). It then passes these on to the actual decode and uncompress code.
The decodeAndUncompress
templated function
This is where the main work is done. For decoding the data into
binary form, we use the cppcodec
library. For decompression we use ZLib.
To make sure that the cppcodec
library is available in the repository
where our code is stored, we add it as a submodule using
git submodule add git:// cppcodec
For the Zlib
library to be available to our cmake
build system, we add
the following to our CMakeLists.txt
# Add requirements for Zlib compression library
find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED)
message(STATUS "Zlib compression library found")
message(STATUS "Zlib compression library not found")
set(ZLIB_DIR "")
The code for the decodeAndUncompress
function is listed below.
#include <cppcodec/cppcodec/base64_default_rfc4648.hpp>
#include "zlib.h"
template <typename T>
ParticleFileReader::decodeAndUncompress(const std::string &inputStr,
const int &numComponents,
std::vector<T> &output) const
// Decode from base64
std::vector<std::uint8_t> decoded = base64::decode(inputStr);
// Uncompress from gzip
std::vector<std::uint8_t> uncompressed;
z_stream stream;
// Allocate inflate state
stream.zalloc = Z_NULL;
stream.zfree = Z_NULL;
stream.opaque = Z_NULL;
stream.avail_in = 0;
stream.next_in = Z_NULL;
int err = inflateInit(&stream);
if (err != Z_OK) {
std::cerr << "inflateInit" << " error: " << err << std::endl;
return false;
// Uncompress until stream ends
stream.avail_in = decoded.size();
stream.next_in = &decoded[0];
do {
do {
std::vector<std::uint8_t> out(decoded.size());
stream.avail_out = out.size();
stream.next_out = &out[0];
err = inflate(&stream, Z_SYNC_FLUSH);
uncompressed.insert(std::end(uncompressed), std::begin(out), std::end(out));
} while (stream.avail_out == 0);
} while (err != Z_STREAM_END);
// Clean up and exit
if (inflateEnd(&stream) != Z_OK) {
std::cerr << "inflateEnd" << " error: " << err << std::endl;
return false;
// Split the uncompressed string into a vector of tokens
// (Assume that data are space separated)
// (See:
std::istringstream iss(std::string(uncompressed.begin(), uncompressed.end()));
std::vector<std::string> outputStr = {std::istream_iterator<std::string>{iss},
// Convert the strings into the right type
for (auto iter = outputStr.begin(); iter != outputStr.end(); iter += numComponents) {
std::string str = *iter;
for (int ii = 1; ii < numComponents; ii++) {
// For more than one component, join into string with space separator
str += " ";
str += *(iter + ii);
return true;
Here the main complication arises during the inflation of the compressed data. We
don’t know the size of the output buffer beforehand and have to read the buffer repeatedly
until the entire input buffer has been inflated. After each chunk has been read
into the out
vector, we insert the data into uncompressed
and continue the process.
After the entire stream has be uncompressed, we convert the string into the correct
size type using the convert<T>
function. Notice that this function is implicitly
using output.push_back(convert<T>(str))
. Template specialization
is needed at this stage to make sure the right work is work during the conversion
of each type. To see why this is not always a good idea, see the article
Why Not Specialize Function Templates?.
Care is needed to make sure that we don’t try to explictly instantiate convert<T>
elsewhere, and modern compilers will probably throw an error if that is attempted.
The convert<T>
template specializations
We will define two specializations here; the first function deals with properties such as particle ID while the second deals with vector properties such as position and force.
template <>
ParticleFileReader::convert<size_t>(const std::string &str) const
return std::stoul(str);
template <>
ParticleFileReader::convert<Vec>(const std::string &str) const
std::istringstream iss(std::string(str.begin(), str.end()));
std::vector<std::string> split = {std::istream_iterator<std::string>{iss},
return Vec(std::stod(split[0]), std::stod(split[1]), std::stod(split[2]));
That completes the implementation. To see a version of this approach in action, look at ParticleFileReader.cpp.
We can see that the process or decoding and unzipping the data in the XML file is quite straightforward. But it takes a bit more effort than reading a formatted text file. However, if our data include millions of particles, and these particles have to be broadcast to several nodes of a multiprocessor system, compression can not only save us a lot of communication time during simulations but also disk space.
In the next article, we will explore some more aspects of our particle simulation code.